MAX811LEUS+TThe MAX811LEUS+T is a 4-pin Voltage Monitor with manual reset input. The MAX811 is low-power microprocessor (µP) supervisory circuit used to monitor power supplies in µP and digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost by eliminating external components and adjustments when used with 5V-powered or 3V-powered circuits. The MAX811 also provide a debounced manual reset input. These devices perform a single functions of they assert a reset signal whenever the VCC supply voltage falls below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at least 140ms after VCC has risen above the reset threshold. The only difference between the two devices is that the MAX811 has an active-low RESET output (which is guaranteed to be in the correct state for VCC down to 1V). The reset comparator is designed to ignore fast transients on VCC. Reset thresholds are available for operation with a variety of supply voltages.
• Integrated voltage monitor increases system robustness with added manual reset
• Low power consumption simplifies power-supply requirements — 6µA supply current
Микросхемы / Микросхемы управления питанием / Мониторы питания, Супервизоры
Корпус: SOT-143-4, инфо: MPU V-MONITOR 4.63V SOT143-4