CC2591RGVTThe CC2591RGVT is a 2.4GHz Extender for use with ISM band systems. The high-performance RF front end for low-power and low-voltage 2.4GHz wireless applications. The device is a range extender for all existing and future 2.4GHz low-power RF transceivers, transmitters and system-on-chip products from TI. CC2591 increases the link budget by providing a power amplifier for increased output power and an LNA with low noise figure for improved receiver sensitivity. The device contains PA, LNA, switches, RF-matching and balun for simple design of high-performance wireless applications.
• Output power up to 22dBm
• Digital control of LNA gain by HGM pin
• 100nA in Power down
• Low transmit current consumption
• 3.4mA for high-gain mode, 1.7mA for low-gain mode Low-receive current consumption
• 4.8dB LNA Noise figure, including T/R switch and external antenna match
Микросхемы / Радиочастотные микросхемы (RF) / Усилители RF
Корпус: QFN16, инфо: Приемопередающий усилитель 2,4 ГГц (2.4-GHz RF Front End), Pвых. до 22 дБм, усиление по приему до 6 дБ, Uпит.=2…3,6 , содержит антенный коммутатор и согласующие цепи