AD8129ARZ, Экономичный ОУ, дифференциальный линейный …The AD8129ARZ is a Differential to Single-ended Amplifier with extremely high CMRR at high frequency. Therefore, they can also be effectively used as high speed instrumentation amps or for converting differential signals to single-ended signals. The AD8129 is a low noise, high gain (10 or greater) version intended for applications over very long cables, where signal attenuation is significant. The AD8129 has very high input impedance on both inputs, regardless of the gain setting. The AD8129 has excellent common-mode rejection (70dB at 10MHz), allowing the use of low cost, unshielded twisted-pair cables without fear of corruption by external noise sources or crosstalk. The AD8129 has a wide power supply range from single +5 to ±12V, allowing wide common-mode and differential-mode voltage ranges while maintaining signal integrity.
• Power-down
• 1MR Differential high input impedance
• ±10.5V Input common-mode range
• 150°C Junction temperature